The task of Quality Engineering and Testing engineers in UppLabs is to help design quality products. QA engineers fulfill an important mission in the project, they prevent mistakes and are responsible for the quality of the development process and the project results.

Why quality engineering and testing matter?

Thanks to the quality engineering and testing services we can: 

  • establish the vulnerabilities and instabilities in the product at all stages;
  • assist in determining project requirements;
  • contribute and add the needed information about the product’s level of quality.

Why hire software quality engineers?

  • The efficiency of your product and the money you earn (as a result) are highly dependent on the quality of development. And not all good developers are good in quality engineering. So it’s better to hire professionals to test your product. 
  • The developer’s rate is usually 30-40% higher than the QA specialist’s rate. Save your money and let your developers focus on other tasks they’re paid for. And the tests will be conducted by professionals whose rate is fair.
  • The earlier you’ll start tests – the lesser problems you will have on launch.

What UppLabs offer? 

Our QA team has grand experience in testing practices and quality engineering approaches, such as API-driven testing. We have an extended team of specialists in various programming languages relevant for test automation, including Java, React, JavaScript, and Python. 

We offer such quality engineering solutions, as:

  1. Test strategy creation;
  2. Tool selection and configuration;
  3. Functional decomposition;
  4. Defining testing types;
  5. Writing test cases, checklists, test execution;
  6. Creating a test reporting process;
  7. Defect analysis and management.

If your project experiences peak load, our team of quality engineering specialists can easily extend your testers team. We can add the testers who identify program defects, test software functionality, consistency, reliability, design divergences.

Types of Quality Engineering and testing services we provide in UppLabs

We deal with quality engineering and testing processes covering all stages starting with test management and automation to such categories of testing software services as: 

  • Technical Consulting
  • Automation Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Security QA
  • Regression Testing
  • Smoke Testing
  • Functional Testing
  • Automation Services for Web/Mobile Apps
  • API Testing
  • Integration and unit testing
  • Review of product automation framework and process

Tools for testing 

With our team, you wouldn’t need to think about writing scripts and running tests. We use the best QA practices in software testing, so our professional team is experienced in many trending software testing tools, like:

Tools and helpers we use when performing manual testing:

  • Web: Firefox/Chrome devtools, React devtools
  • Mobile(Android): adb directly of thru Android Studio
  • Mobile(iOS): xCode (for testing and reading logs purposes)
  • Back-end: Postman, SoapUI

Automation stacks that can be implemented and followed by our automation engineers:

  • Java Stacks: Selenoid, Selenide, JUnit, TestNG
  • Python Stacks: PyTest, UnitTest
  • Ruby Stacks: Watir, Capybara, SitePrism, PageObject
  • JS Stacks: Cypress, Jasmine, Mocha, Chai, WebDriverIO
  • Mobile and approaches: Selenium, Appium, Cucumber
  • CI/CD: TravisCI, CircleCI, Jenkins
  • Third-parties: BrowserStack, SauceLabs, Perfecto
  • Other tools: Allure, Vagrant, Docker, VirtualBox

Why UppLabs?

For more than 5 years we’ve been mastering our skills in custom software development services for development projects of different complicity for different business industries from FinTech, Marketing, Infrastructure, Real Estate, Service Industry to Healthcare. The list of our successful projects includes enterprise management systems, revamping and innovating the legacy system, IT network solutions, fintech development products, and more.

Among the most essential advantages of UppLabs is the existing and coherent extended team that is easy to synchronize and motivated as it focuses on long-term cooperation. The workflow within the entire team is always clear and transparent and the team is ready for mutual cooperation. 

Our team works with projects of various scalability from big multi-part projects that require some additional technologies to smaller side projects that the company doesn’t want to give to the in-house team because they are involved in the main business process.

Get our free IT consultation! Don’t miss your chance to engage professionals to help your business!