React.js development in UppLabs is used for building exceptional user interfaces and single-page applications for all kinds of web and mobile apps.

React.js Development in UppLabs

React.js is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Its main task is to ensure that everything that can be seen on web pages is displayed on the screen. React greatly facilitates the creation of interfaces by breaking each page into small components. 

A bit of React.js history

The library was created by Jordan Walke, a Facebook programmer. The author worked on a project under the influence of XHP, an HTML framework for PHP. In 2011, the release appeared on Facebook, the year after – on the Instagram blog. The framework was also introduced as an open-source project at the JSConf US for developers held in the United States in May 2013. At the React.js Conf conference hosted by Facebook in March 2015, the project was presented as open-source software.

What’s special about React.js?

React allows developers to create large web applications that use data that have the ability to change over time without reloading the page. Its purpose is to be fast, simple, scalable. React only processes the user interface in applications. This is consistent with the species in the Model-Controller View (MVC) template and can be used in conjunction with other JavaScript libraries or in large MVC frameworks such as AngularJS. As a React user interface library, it is most commonly used together with other libraries such as Redux.

The most famous products developed with React.js

Currently, React.js architecture is used by Khan Academy, Netflix, Yahoo, Airbnb, Sony, Atlassian, and others. It is one of the most popular libraries nowadays and many of the world’s leading companies use it in their applications:

  1. Facebook partially uses ReactJS. The mobile application is also built on a version of React called React Native, the essence is the same, although it is responsible for displaying iOS and Android native components instead of DOM elements.
  2. The role of ReactJS on Instagram is huge. There are numerous features such as geolocation, the Google Maps API, the accuracy of the search engine, as well as tags that appear without hashtags. And all of this is built in the application’s API.
  3. The React.js software also works with Netflix – especially on its platform called Gibbon, where it is used for low-performance television devices instead of the DOM used in web browsers.
  4. The New York Times developed a project that mimics the appearance of stars on an Oscar red carpet with its interface built on React.js.

React.js popularity in 2020

Statistics show that React.js is one of the most popular frameworks in Google Search, which means the popularity of this technology is still growing. It is trusted by top leading companies and platforms. The new version, React 16.8 will offer new features like using React without actually writing a separate class. 

React.js pros and cons

Advantages of React.js:

  • It has the ability to reuse system components;
  • It ensures faster rendering;
  • It uses only a downward data flow that ensures code stability;
  • It easily deals with a common search engine failure and can read JavaScript-heavy apps.

Disadvantages of React.js:

  • Disordered documentation.
  • A large selection of tools sometimes is confusing.

Why UppLabs chose React.js?

Our developers use React.js in many projects. That allowed us to see the strong sides of this instrument. Those who use React.js ecosystem are offered a combination of the following benefits as:

  • Reusable components.
  • Synchronization of application and interface status.
  • Routing and templating systems.

Our developers rely heavily on React.js features while creating frontend tasks. The tool is very powerful, but at the same time is very easy to use.