June 1, 2020
As a company with a social mission, UppLabs couldn’t stay aloof the situation with the COVID-19 outbreak. According to general statistics, one-third of the US population having depression. And in forced isolation conditions lots of people find themselves struggling with anxiety, depression, loneliness, stress, and fear. Many of them can’t reach out to their doctor, the rest don’t know they ever needed to reach out to somebody. So we decided to help them online. Please meet a chatbot and a website to help people with depression!
March 16, 2020
Recently UppLabs' CTO and founder Vitaliy Dyachenko visited "The School of Heroes"! The aim of this event sessions is to meet schoolchildren with professionals from different fields. Here children can present their ideas and tell about their dreams.
March 12, 2020
Due to the quarantine (COVID-19 outbreak), most of the businesses were forced to stop using their offices and start working from home. As a company that started 100% remote UppLabs perfectly understand all the challenges might appear today.
Let us help you! Register to a free online Q&A session during which we’ll discuss: organization process, remote work control, the importance of daily statuses, setting the communication, business management tools, time tracking tools and more.
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